Frequently Asked Questions


quick facts

Update - Council submission links

A copy of the Application submission and related material in the development application process is available on Councils’ website.

 As per public notice information, you can go to the website (, and navigate to Development Applications Online portal, “Search existing applications”  and use the property address and / or the Application reference 12781/2024 to search for the Application material.

 Council’s website contains not just the Application submission but other material related to the Application assessment process so far. This is why we are directing you to the website – which is also a requirement of the statutory Public Notice process.

Update - Public Notice period extension to 12 July 2024

Please note – Public Notice was initially scheduled to end on 3 July 2024 

It has come to the Applicants’ attention that some of the Application material may not have been available on Councils’ website until 30 May 2024. 

To ensure members of the public have sufficient time to consider the Application, and to provide comment to Council if required, the Applicant has arranged to extend the Public Notice period. 

This period, which commenced on 20 May 2024, will now end on 12 July 2024.

For information regarding the Application, and to provide your comment regarding the Application to Council, please go to

Update - Community Information Day

The Applicant held two onsite community drop-in sessions on 25 May and 15 June 2024.  Over the two days, almost 100 community members attended the sessions, informing themselves about the proposed development.  We thank everyone for their involvement.

Why isn’t the land being developed for houses?

The project site is beside Boral’s Redlynch Quarry and is included in the “Quarry Exclusion Zone” in Council’s Planning Scheme.   The exclusion zone does not allow sensitive development such as dwellings and accommodations facilities.

Subdivision of the project site for house lots or rural lifestyle blocks would result in unacceptable noise, dust and vibration experienced by near neighbours.

What sorts of industrial uses will be able to be developed on the site?

The project proposes low impact industry uses and may include:

  • mini-storage facilities,
  • contractors/builders yards,
  • vehicle, caravan and boat storage, or
  • bulk landscaping supplies and other light industry uses.


These uses do not rely on passing traffic or attract significant patronage from the public. 


Low impact industry provides no significant impact on surrounding land uses and provides potential business opportunities for Redlynch residents along with increased services and potential employment opportunities.


Will the industrial uses produce noise and odors?

Storage and Warehouse facilities will not create noise or odors likely to be experienced external to the site.

Light impact industry uses must comply with industry thresholds defined in the Cairns Plan as follows:

  • Repairing and servicing motor vehicles, including mechanical components, radiators, electrical components, wheel alignments, exhausts, tyres, suspension or air conditioning, not including spray painting
  • Repairing and servicing lawn mowers and outboard engines
  • Fitting and turning workshop
  • Assembling or fabricating products from sheet metal or welding steel, producing less than 10 tonnes a year and not including spray painting
  • Assembling wood products not involving cutting, routing, sanding or spray painting
  • Dismantling automotive or mechanical equipment, not including debonding brake or clutch components.

Industrial uses likely to produce excessive noise and odors are defined as Medium and Heavy impact industries.  Medium and Heavy impact industries are not proposed as part of this project.

These would require further development applications which would require public notice and the opportunity for the community to make submissions to Council regarding such uses and appeal rights if such uses were approved.

Will the development result in more traffic on Redlynch Intake Road?

It is expected that traffic coming from the north, including areas such as Redlynch, Brinsmead, Cairns, and the Northern Beaches, will not have a significant impact on peak hour movements. This is because the traffic will be travelling in the opposite direction to existing traffic during the morning and evening peak periods. Additionally, any traffic from the north that is attracted to the development will not add to the existing peak hour traffic.

Traffic from the south (Redlynch Valley and Crystal Cascades) may be travelling to alternate similar uses at Smithfield, Stratford, Aeroglen and the City.  

Employment or doing business within this development may reduce traffic on Redlynch Intake Road that passes Redlynch State College and St Andrews Schools.


Redlynch Intake Road is currently a designated B-double route for the transport of quarry products from the Boral Quarry. 

Will the entry intersection be signalized?

No. The existing entry to the Equestrian facilities was upgraded in 2021 to provide a “Protected Right” turning lane for traffic turning right into the site. The existing intersection provides priority for through traffic.  The existing intersection has ample queuing capacity for right turn movements entering the site. The site access road will have ample queueing capacity for right turn movements exiting the site.


The proposed development may result in increased turning movements into and out of the site however it is not expected these will coincide with peak traffic travelling north in the mornings and south in the evening. An additional left turn turning lane will be provided for traffic from the south entering the site.  The intersection will maintain priority for through traffic and there is no warrant for installation of signals.

Will there be lots of buildings visible to passing traffic and pedestrians?

Development of the land for the proposed uses will result in increased building on the site. These are likely to be single story buildings lower than the existing covered arena building at the front of the site.

The Subdivision plan for which a Preliminary Approval is being sought includes landscaping along the Redlynch Intake Road frontage (like what is currently along the Quarry frontage).  Trees that reach 4-6m will be planted to achieve a visual screening of the buildings in the foreground but will still allow views to the forested hillslopes to the west.

Will Currunda Creek be accessible to the community?

Currently Currunda Creek is fully contained within private land and is not accessible to the community as it is private property.


The Subdivision plan for which a Preliminary Approval is being sought includes Currunda Creek as a Drainage Reserve under the control of Council.  Should this application be approved, Currunda Creek will be fully accessible to the community.


Will development of the land increase flooding from Currunda Creek?

Extensive flood modelling has been carried out by specialist consultants to determine the extent of earthworks that can be done without resulting in increased flood levels and velocities external to the site.

There will be some filling (approx. 500mm or less) of 2.0ha on the north side of Currunda Creek to ensure acceptable flood immunity for the development however this will be compensated with additional capacity to be provided within a dedicated drainage reserve which covers Currunda Creek and overbank areas.

Will the development involve clearing of vegetation?

The project site was chosen to avoid all areas of remaining vegetation (Mapped Remnant Vegetation) in the western precinct and the riparian vegetation lining Currunda Creek. 


The proposed creek crossing will target the removal of exotic and invasive species and avoid existing native species.


It is expected the isolated shade trees planted for equestrian shading purposes will be removed, along with regrowth vegetation to south of the creek which consists predominantly of exotic pest species (African Tulip, Lucania, Guava and guinea grass).


The forested hillslopes to the west are outside of the project zone and will not be impacted.

What are the benefits of this project to the Redlynch and greater Cairns community?

There is a current unmet need within the Redlynch community and to the north of Cairns for employment in place and near home, additional services including storage and other light industry may generate more than 120 permanent jobs.  Overall, 230 jobs directly and indirectly ongoing jobs (not considering construction jobs).

Why can’t the site be developed as a rural production site?

The land has limited production potential due to degradation and depleted topsoil layer and limited lawful access to water for irrigation purposes to support intense rural production activities.  Rural activity is at the northeastern end of the Valley on the Freshwater Creek flood plain.


Reinstatement of historic intense rural production on the land would likely result in significant amenity impacts on the more recently established urban residential and rural lifestyle uses established since the cessation of agricultural production (cane farming) over the last 30 years.

How do I provide feedback to the proponent, Bengali Land Pty Ltd?

The proponent applied to Cairns Regional Council at the end of March 2024. 

Public Notice period has been extended and will now end on 12 July 2024.

The second community drop-in session will be held onsite at 626R Redlynch Intake Road on Saturday 15th June between 10am and 3pm.  Members of the public are invited to 626R Redlynch Intake Road to speak with Applicant’s representatives, all invitees must be aware they are entering private property, entry is conditional on displaying reasonable and respectful behaviour.

How do I let Council know of my views on this application for Material Change of Use?

Members of the community can make submission to the Council regarding this development application during the formal Public Notification period which has been extended to 12 July 2024.  Click here to go to Council’s website:


Is the Land being rezoned to the Low Impact Industry Zone?

No – The land will remain in the Rural Zone


Will approval of the Application result in Medium Impact Industry being established on the land?

No  – Low Impact  Industry use only – No manufacturing or processing use No Concrete Batching Plant, No Asphalt Plant , No Tyre dump


Will any Mapped Native vegetation or Wildlife (Cassowary) Habitat be cleared?

No  – Clearing or mapped Vegetation or Riparia Vegetation will occur  – Removal of exotic and pest species will occur as part of Waterway Rehabilitation Pan


Will the establishment of the uses result in pollution into Currunda Creek?

No – The uses proposed are low impact and may result in low levels of emissions, noise and run off. A Water Quality Management Plan will be a condition of approval. This will include interception devices of each lot such as oil separators, Gross Pollutant traps and sediment traps and artificial wetlands prior to discharge.

Can the development be expanded to the west and up the Hillslopes?

No – The Mapped Remnant Vegetation around Currunda Creek is an effective barrier to expansion to the west as no clearing would be permitted to access existing cleared areas on the Balance Lot 21


Will the development create an eyesore?

No – the proposal includes for a 10m wide dense planted visual buffer along the whole Redlynch Intake Road (similar to quarry screening). The landscaping plan will include for moderate height planting (4-6M) to preserve views to the forested hillslopes and ridgeline while screening out the buildings in the foreground.


What will happen to Currunda Creek?

Currunda Creek will be transferred to Public Ownership and a Waterway Rehabilitation Plan will be a condition of approval. This will allow removal of exotic/peat species, replanting of native species, reestablishment of biological corridors and bank stabilisation.

Will the Community be able to access Currunda Creek?

The community will be able to access the rehabilitated waterway corridor through Lot 22 as a Community Asset.